Thursday, May 19, 2016

From Stay At Home Mom to Trophy Wife!!!

I was asked recently what do you do??, and without missing a beat I said "Oh I'm a Stay at Home Mom". This all started when  I was picking my son up from school. As I walked away I heard one of the Mom's say " She's a TROPHY WIFE!"  I turned around and said" YES I AM!!" Her face turned beat red and she looked afraid as if I was going to slap her. I then smiled and said" Thank you for the compliment and with hard work you can become one too!!"and walked away.

 I know some do not like the term "Trophy Wife". Some  may go on to say I am not his property, I am my own person and no one owns me. And yes all of that is true. But first lets just think about this for a minute.  
When I see Trophy Wife I don't view it as a negative. First lets break down the term: TROPHY! 
The word Trophy is defined as a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
Then I think ..... well what  is related to a Trophy. A trophy is something that is wanted and something someone works hard to obtain. It is also valued and cherished. And the recipient of  a trophy is honored to receive it. The recipient shows it off and is very proud of it. The recipient also protects it from harm, they may shine it up and many times just sit back and admire its beauty and grace.  So to me those are not bad qualities to be compared to.

Well lets not stop there I decided to do a little  research to see what do people say is a "Trophy Wife", many said:

  • A young, attractive woman married to an older, more powerful man
  • A woman who marries for money and sits at home all day looking pretty
  • Usually a young woman, not necessarily a gold-digger, who is married to a much more older man with power, wealth.etc 
  • The woman who got ahead on her looks by marrying a “sugar daddy” 

Then I said okay yes I am young and attractive(not to toot my own horn but Toot Toot/LOL) Yes my husband is older than me(19 yrs my senior). He is powerful. (really who wants a weak man). I didn't marry for money but I was well aware of the fact that when I married my husband he could afford to take care of me. When we met he was an owner of a very lucrative  auto & body shop. Well yes I do make it a point to look pretty not just for him but for me. I believe a woman should keep her hair done and dress nice and neat. No one wants to look unattractive; when you make it a priority to dress your self neatly, do your hair and apply a little makeup whether its the whole glam factory or just a little lipstick or lip gloss  your self confidence raises making you feel more attractive, not only to others but most importantly yourself!
I have worked really hard to obtain the success that I have and is on the path to making even bigger strides and accomplishing more things. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and always telling me you can do it!!  And yes he did have  to work hard to even go out on our first date. I knew my worth and was not just going to waste my time (even as little as a 3 hr date) on someone I didn't feel deserved my time. I am valued and cherished, my opinion means a lot and is heard.   I am a college graduate with a degree and a  professional license holder for 2 states.  I am the owner and partner of VanGwyn Enterprises ( trucking company) Blessing and Beauty(beauty consultant/blogger) Feeling Beautiful(  mobile beauty salon). Do I have to do hair and makeup to pay my bills?? NO!!! I do it because I love it and love empowering women.  With just organizing the outside I get to watch  something beautiful bloom on the inside. When they leave my chair they have raised they confidence level to a new high they start to believe they can change the world and yes I believe they can!!!   Yes I do hair and makeup on why terms: I say Who, When, Where, & How much? 

The term “trophy wife” has taken on a new, more upscale meaning. Men are finding that the most attractive and sexually desirable women are not brainless beauties whose sole function is to look good and stay quiet, but women who are making good money and are in positions of power. 
So yes I am a " Tropy Wife"!!!

Have a blessed day

Monday, May 2, 2016

DIY Clarifying Shampoo

Homemade Clarifying Shampoo
1 tspn of Baking Soda
few drops of Tea Tree Oil

The reason this recipe works is because baking soda is alkaline which soften the sebum(oils) allowing the shampoo to cleanse the scalp. The tea tree oil is an antiseptic which kills bacteria and unclogs the hair follicles.

After cleansing your scalp and hair you can follow up with a moisturizing treatment. This will leave your hair soft and manageable!!

Have a blessed day!