Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Weight loss after a Hysterectomy

Losing weight can be a daunting  task but trying to lose wight after a Hysterectomy  can seem impossible. I got a hysterectomy  at the ripe age of 32, after having 5 fibroid while pregnant  with my beautiful  son.  One   fibroid was blocking the birth canal and the others started to squeeze  my baby   resulting  in me receiving  a emergency  C-section and Hysterectomy.
So I woke up from surgery to a beautiful bundle of joy and a new body that I wasn't prepared for. The baby I was well prepared for the hormonal imbalance is a different story! 
But to go into that story just check out my previous post of my weight loss journey.
After many years of trail and error, talking to health care professionals, and researching on my own I finally found something that worked!!! Yeahhhhh!!!!

Here are just 4 tips that helped me get started.

1. Ditch the Process foods!!:
    Eat REAL Food!!!! Consume foods with high quality proteins, beneficial fats and complex carbohydrates. Carbs are not the devil!!!!
These should become staples in your daily diet.

2. WATER!!!!:
     Water is vital to the body! The human body is 75% water.  Drinking water flushes toxins out the body, gives energy, boosts metabolism and increases the production of new blood cells.

3. Sleep!!: Sleep is always overlooked. This is the time the body is recovering from all the stress you     put on it during the day. The body is using this time to balance our imbalanced hormones.

4. GET MOVING!!: Don't just stand there our bodies were designed to move! 
    Start with just light activities like walking, bike riding or swimming. 
Check out my previous post " Find your Own Fit" to get  an idea of how your workout can come in many shapes and forms.

Just starting on these few but important tips you will see and feel a change!