Thursday, March 10, 2016

High Porosity?? Low Porosity??? Which one do you have????

Lately I have been seeing a lot of products coming on to the scene talking about the "porosity of your hair". I was like "Umm that's interesting. Do they know what "Porosity" means? And if they do know Do they know why they their hair has low or high porosity level??  And most of all Do they think these products will change it?

First things first lets go over what "Porosity" means. Hair porosity is the hairs ability to absorb and retain moisture.  There are 3 levels: Low, Normal, High.  The degree of porosity is related to the condition of the cuticle layer of the hair.
Hair that has a compact cuticle is naturally resistant to being penetrated by moisture which is called hydrophobic.
Hair with raised cuticle layer is easy to absorb moister is called hydrophilic.

Hair with low porosity(hydrophobic) has a hard time with processing chemical services so it requires a more alkaline solution. An alkaline solution will raise the cuticles allowing for saturation and processing to be done to the hair.
Hair with high porosity(hydrophilic) is usually hair that has been over processed. So less alkaline solutions with a lower pH level is needed.  Because the hair is so porous it will not retain any moisture it has absorbed.
Now that you know what porosity is lets do a porosity test so you can find out which one you have.  There are 2 tests that can be done.
Test #1
You can check from 4 different areas of the head.

  • hairline
  • temple
  • crown
  • nape
Hold the hair strand securely and run your finger along the hair strand.  If the hair feels smooth then your hair cuticles are compact,dense it is resistant(low porosity)
If if feels slightly rough it is porous.
If it is Very Rough, Dry, or Even Breaks it is highly porous and Over Processed(high porosity)

Test #2

  • Fill a glass with water
  • Take a couple of strands of clean hair and drop them in the water
  • Wait 2-4 minutes
If the hair sinks immediately it has a High Porosity.
If it raises back to the top it has Low Porosity.
If it floats somewhere in the middle it has  Normal Porosity.

Now that you did  all of that and you know what your hair porosity level is here are things you can do to manage and or  improve your porosity level leading you to a healthy hair journey.

If you have discovered you have High Porosity hair:

  • Routine hot oil treatments are very important and necessary for you.
  • Leave - in conditioners, protein treatments are a must.
  • Try to use creamy thick deep conditioners
  • Eat a protein rich diet.*Remember we are what we eat! What you put inside affects what grows outside.*
Clues for high porosity hair:
Really quick drying time
Dull hair / lack of shine
Over processed
Tangles easily

If you have discovered you have Low Porosity hair:

  • Deep condition your hair with heat. ex: Sitting under a hooded dryer, dryer bonnet, or warm towel is your best friend!!
  • Use clarifying shampoo's to remove buildup
Clues for low porosity hair:
Does not retain moisture
Does not hold styles
Product easily buildup on surface of hair
Hair butters leave hair feeling oily

So do you need products specifically geared for your porosity level? NOOOOO!!!!!
All you need to do is make a conscience effort and make the products you have work for you.  Don't over process your hair with different chemical services( relaxer and/or color) and heat damage.
Listen to your hair and give it what it's asking for.
This will always lead you to healthy hair.

Have a blessed day!

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