Thursday, April 13, 2017

Find your Own FIT ! !

With social media  you see so many "Fitness Gurus" doing some crazy and amazing workouts and you may say I want to be
"FIT " like her or him.
I know everyone  is always saying you got to exercise, you need to "workout","  live a fit life ." And usually the first thing that pops into someone mind is to go get a gym membership which some may go consistently  for about 2 months and then it just becomes an extra monthly  bill (that you did not need😕). 
That's  when it's time to FIND YOUR OWN FIT!!!
Do what makes you excited  it could be taking a brisk walk in your neighborhood , jogging , dancing around the house. Exercise  can be so many things. You can buy a $2.00 jump rope and jump outside, take a ride on your bike. Your "workout" don't have to be the same everyday or every week. For example  I love  lifting weights and doing  calenstics  like sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups  etc. ,but I also have a very active  9 year old who loves to rollerskate and go on bike rides. So one day I may do a hiit (High Intensity  Interval  Training)  type of training  but the next day I'm jumping on the trampoline with my son then going for a swim later in the evening.
If you love to dance then BUST A MOVE!! Or sign up for a dance class, or try a zumba class. The only way you are going to stay  motivated is by doing something you enjoy.
You are probably  saying ,"Vanessa how do I find my Fit?" Try different  things it can be as simple as going to the park and playing basketball , no one said you had to be NBA ready to get on the court and practice  your jumpshot but believe me your body will be moving and you will become  closer to finding your FIT !!
Do let anyone  put you in a box , think outside the box!! Your body will thank you  for it ! !
So go out there and discover  your FIT!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

I found the World's Best Diet Pill !!

I found the World's  Best  Diet  Pill  it's called "Proper  Nutrition" Lol !
There is NO  Diet Pill   that will replace a  Proper  Nutritional  diet and Exercise!! I know as much as we wish we can swallow a pill while downing 3 slices of pizza with a side of fries and wash it down with a ice cold soda and still look amazing  in a bikini ,  it's not going to happen. Sorry 😢😢
But what can start you on your journey to that amazing  bikini is good nutrition. I'm not saying I'm against  supplements but I know (because I was once a habitual  user) diet pills don't work if your diet and training  are not on point! You first must build a healthy  relationship  with  food. Find out what your body needs before buying supplements. My  advice  is before you buy any supplement  ask your self these questions :


Supplements are just that "Supplement"  it is meant to be an addition to your healthy diet not a REPLACEMENT!