Thursday, January 28, 2016

Help My Scalp is DRY ITCHY!!!!!

Now that it is full blown winter our skin becomes very dry. Plus to keep our pretty little heads warm we are putting on hats, which can leave our scalp itchy,dry and maybe even flaky!

To combat this just apply a little Tea Tree Oil. Yes, Tea Tree Oil!!!  Tea Tree oil is great for itchy scalp because it is a antiseptic.
Tea tree oil is also an anti fugal so when applied to the scalp it unclogs hair follicles and kills the microorganisms that trigger itchy scalp.

A couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil to your shampoo will not only relieve your itchy scalp but when massaged on to scalp with shampoo will trigger blood circulation to the hair follicles promoting hair growth!!!

I know if you try this you will be in awe!!!

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Natural Hair VS Relaxed Hair

Natural hair  VS Relaxed hair

Which one is better???
Can you believe that in this day and time we are debating which one is better and  healthier. I am not opposed or for one over the other.  But there are some myths floating around that one is better than the other or if you wear your hair in a certain state it's not healthy!
I have been on both teams and loved it!!!  This all began from a couple of days ago I heard two beautiful young ladies having a deep, overly dramatic conversation about why each one of them choose to wear their hair in a particular state. The conversation went as follow:

 Natural Chic: I don't do relaxers because they will take your hair out!
Relaxed Chic : I can't do that natural thing those products are just way too expensive! And I am not about that detangling life!!
But she's rocking a Doney & Bourke handbag!!! But don't want to pay for hair products.I know they don't cost $200.00!!! *I digress**
Natural Chic : I love myself the way God made me!!! And I will not conform to someone else  standard of beauty!!!
I laugh because she had acrylic nails and wearing lashes! I don't think God made you that way!!
**I digress**
Relaxed Chic : I love myself also!! I'm not conforming to anyone or anything!! I just don't want to look like that(points to her beautiful full fro)! And girl I love my sleek bob!!!

First of all I must say I was shocked and a little disappointed at both ladies. They both was missing the point whether your hair is NATURAL or RELAXED  if you do not take care or your Hair & Scalp both will be BALD!!!!!! Regardless of what state the hair is in Maintenance is a Must!!

Next, lets talk about HAIR! Hair at its normal pH  (potential hydrogen) level is between 4.5 to 5.5
When we do a chemical textured service (relaxer, texturizer) we alter the natural wave pattern of the hair, raising the pH level to an alkaline state in order to soften and swell the hair.  Before we go any farther lets discuss the different types of chemical textured services.
Thio Relaxers- has a high pH level(above 10).  Thio Relaxers break disulfide bonds and soften the hair, and example of this is the infamous "Jerry Curl"
Hydroxide Relaxers - has a very strong alkaline level over 13 on the pH level scale. Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Lithium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide Relaxer

and guanidine hydroxide relaxers (box relaxers).
Guanidine Hydroxide Relaxer
All of those are Hydroxide relaxers that swell the hair up to 2 times its diameter.
Hydroxide relaxers breaks the disulfide bonds different than Thio relaxers. Hydroxide relaxers goes through a process of lanthionization which permanently straightens the hair.

Now that I gave you a very small lesson on chemical textured services, lets talk about Natural hair and what it needs to be healthy.  Human hair is divided into 2 parts: hair root and hair shaft
Hair root- the part of the hair located below the epidermis(outer layer of skin).
Hair shaft- the portion of the hair that projects above the epidermis.
Some may feel that with Natural hair they hair grows much faster because they are not styling or messing with it as often, but that is not necessarily true!! What really is happening is the hair retention rate has increased.
Hair Growth happens in 3 phases
Anagen- know as the growth  phase. This is when the cells are actively made in the hair follicle.
Catagen - the stage when the follicle canal shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla (cone shaped elevation at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb)
Telogen- know as the resting phase,the final phase. During this phase the hair sheds or just remain in place waiting for the Anagen phase to begin.  This phase lasts approx. 3 to 6 months.

There is Maintenance that must be done to Natural and Relaxed hair.  Cleansing of the SCALP and HAIR. Product build-up on the hair and scalp can stop the hair from growing, which can lead to a scalp disorder that can contribute to hair loss.
Hair needs to me Conditioned. Conditioner is for your hair not necessarily your scalp. Conditioner is a chemical agent applied to the Hair to deposit protein or moisture to help restore the hair's strength.
Now their are scalp conditioners that contain moisture and emollients(aka hair grease).
Next all hair needs to be trimmed to get rid of split ends.  If split ends are not attended to they can split all the way up the hair shaft causing breakage.
Moisture and Protein are also needed for both Relaxed and Natural hair!! Moister and Protein needs to be at a healthy balance.  Too much moisture will make the hair weak and become very vulnerable to breakage. Too much protein will make the hair too strong resulting in dry brittle hair which will make the hair break.

So now that I pointed out the REQUIREMENTS of HAIR CARE!!! If you do not take care of your hair RELAXED or NATURAL it will FALL OUT!!!!!

Natural hair is not healthier or better than Relaxed hair, and Relaxed hair is not healthier or better than Natural hair.
They both need the same care to promote HEALTHY HAIR and HAIR GROWTH!!!!
So ladies just embrace your preference and respect the others decision. 
As India Arie state "I AM NOT MY HAIR!!"

Have a blessed day!!
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Thursday, January 21, 2016

I want to Look Like THAT!!!!!

Beauty is not all about perfection!!
Lately so many people have been on this kick of highlighting,contouring or sculpting, or what I known it to be called " Corrective Contouring".

So you ask "What is Corrective Contouring?" I'm so glad you asked!! In its simplest terms it is a technique many makeup artists use to minimize what you believe to be your less desired features while bringing attention to what you believe are your more flattering features. For example making a overly round face more slender or making a crooked nose appear straight.

Corrective Contouring is not a rigid technique but a celebration of your uniqueness and showing off your best assets!  I believe with the right technique, tools, and products you can make your face look anyway you want it!!!
Contouring  can be tricky and must be done right to achieve that fabulous look.
Below is a picture of the many face shapes and what is to be contoured(minimized) to what is to be highlighted (accentuate).

Contouring can be done with foundation that is 2 shaded darker than your skin tone.  Highlighting can be done with foundation that is 1 to 2 shades lighter than your skin tone.
There are many contouring and highlighting makeup palettes out on the market that you can choose from. When picking a contouring shade do not confuse it with bronzer!! Contouring is suppose to act as a shadow with not light bouncing off it. If you are highlighting under the eyes do not go too light which will a make you look as if you have a mask on your face.

But with all of this just remember its just makeup and it all washes off. So don't be stressed out about it, explore have fun!! All that matters at the end of the day is you are beautiful with and without makeup!!!
Have a blessed day!!
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Monday, January 18, 2016

I want THICK HAIR TOO!!!!!

We all would love to have THICK,HEALTHY HAIR, Right!???
What do I need to do to have it?
Why is my hair so THIN??
What products work???
Well besides hereditary sometimes our lifestyle keeps us from achieving thick hair due to:

  • Diet
  • Physical Stress
  • Emotional Stress
  • Wrong Hair Care Products
  • Poor Hair Care Routines
 First to understand the Thickness of hair you first need to know about hair density.
Hair density is the number of hair strands in 1 square inch of the scalp.  It indicates how many hair strands are on a persons head. Hair density can be categorized as low,medium,high or better know as Thin, Medium, Thick.
The average hair density is around 2,200 hair strands per 1 square inch, thick hair or dense hair has more hairs per 1 square inch. With hair density the color of your natural hair can also be a factor.  Naturally blonde hair is known to have more dense hair than naturally red hair. So sometimes you may need a little help from products to achieve those lovely thick locks!!!
After much research and a lot of experimenting I have a couple of tips that can help!!

3 ways to achieve Thick Luxurious Healthy Hair:

  1. Healthy Diet - A diet rich in protein,various vitamins and minerals is the most important thing you can do. Let's not forget WATER is part of this healthy diet regimen. Vitamin B and Protein promotes thicker hair and hair growth. Eggs,yogurt,poultry,fatty fish,nuts,seeds,whole grains and fresh green vegetables are all VERY important for overall good health!
  2. Castor Oil - Because of its thickness it will coat the hair thoroughly plus it is high in Vitamin E and fatty acids once again also promoting hair growth.
  3. Thickening Shampoos & Conditioners - There are many on the market that when used properly will plump up the hair shaft making the hair appear thicker. Just be careful to read the ingredients as some of these products contain alcohol which can dry the hair and scalp leading to hair fall and damage!

So give these a try and soon you will see a difference in the thickness of your hair!
Have a blessed day!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Aloe Vera for Hair???

Can  Aloe Vera really help your hair?? Yes it really does work!!!

Aloe Vera has  alkalizing properties that balances the pH levels of the scalp, which in turn produces hair growth, and moisture retention to the scalp.

The amino acids in Aloe Vera adds shine and strength to the hair as well. The aloe plant has more than 95% water which makes it an awesome choice for fragile,dry hair.

 If you notice you  are experiencing dry brittle hair ,here is a  overnight moisturizing hair mask you can try. Its very simple but very effective!

Aloe Vera Gel
Castor Oil
Mix well
Apply to hair starting at the root  then working your way down the hair shaft.
Massage onto scalp
Place a plastic cap on
Let it sit on  your hair overnight
Rinse well with warm water
Now you have a moisturizing hair mask that promotes hair growth!!!

Have a blessed day!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Benefits of Deep Conditioning

Some people do not understand just how important it is to deep condition your hair. I know we normally just shampoo apply conditioner and then rinse and go. But if you just take a little extra time you will notice a major difference in the healthiness of your hair.

  • Deep Conditioning provides a protective shield to the hair. It will protect the hair from damage while being styled.

If you deep condition for 10-30 minutes using heat to open the hair haft it will assist with the healthiness of your hair,minimizing tangles and giving shine.

  • Deep Conditioning also helps the hair to bounce back from damage and dryness.

  • Hair elasticity will also benefit because of the oils and other moisturizing ingredients in the conditioner.

  • Another benefit to deep conditioning is it will fill in the holes of damage that can lead to poor porosity in the hair.

So remember to deep condition at least every other week.

Have a Blessed day!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Winterize your feet!!

Winter time is here and just because we won't be flopping around in our flip-flops or sashay away in our sandals means we can neglect our feet!
A brown sugar scrub is just what the Dr. ordered. It's simple, all natural, and smells absolutely delicious. Everything you need comes straight from your kitchen.
So let's get started....

All you will need is:
1 cup  Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Coconut Oil
1/2 tspn Vanilla Extract
1 glass jar

Simply mix all the ingredients together in the jar. And just like that you are done!!
That wasn't so bad,right??
You can apply to wet or dry feet. Rub in circular motions paying attention to heels. Rinse with warm water. Pat Dry.
Presto!!!! Not only are your feet soft and moisturized but smells wonderful!
You have just winterize your feet!
Now sit back and RELAX!
Have a blessed day!!!