Monday, January 18, 2016

I want THICK HAIR TOO!!!!!

We all would love to have THICK,HEALTHY HAIR, Right!???
What do I need to do to have it?
Why is my hair so THIN??
What products work???
Well besides hereditary sometimes our lifestyle keeps us from achieving thick hair due to:

  • Diet
  • Physical Stress
  • Emotional Stress
  • Wrong Hair Care Products
  • Poor Hair Care Routines
 First to understand the Thickness of hair you first need to know about hair density.
Hair density is the number of hair strands in 1 square inch of the scalp.  It indicates how many hair strands are on a persons head. Hair density can be categorized as low,medium,high or better know as Thin, Medium, Thick.
The average hair density is around 2,200 hair strands per 1 square inch, thick hair or dense hair has more hairs per 1 square inch. With hair density the color of your natural hair can also be a factor.  Naturally blonde hair is known to have more dense hair than naturally red hair. So sometimes you may need a little help from products to achieve those lovely thick locks!!!
After much research and a lot of experimenting I have a couple of tips that can help!!

3 ways to achieve Thick Luxurious Healthy Hair:

  1. Healthy Diet - A diet rich in protein,various vitamins and minerals is the most important thing you can do. Let's not forget WATER is part of this healthy diet regimen. Vitamin B and Protein promotes thicker hair and hair growth. Eggs,yogurt,poultry,fatty fish,nuts,seeds,whole grains and fresh green vegetables are all VERY important for overall good health!
  2. Castor Oil - Because of its thickness it will coat the hair thoroughly plus it is high in Vitamin E and fatty acids once again also promoting hair growth.
  3. Thickening Shampoos & Conditioners - There are many on the market that when used properly will plump up the hair shaft making the hair appear thicker. Just be careful to read the ingredients as some of these products contain alcohol which can dry the hair and scalp leading to hair fall and damage!

So give these a try and soon you will see a difference in the thickness of your hair!
Have a blessed day!!

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