Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hair Steaming!!!

What is Hair Steaming?
Hair Steaming is applying moisture to your hair through the form of moist heat(steam/vapor)

What are the benefits of Hair Steaming?
Hair Steaming is very beneficial when you are on a healthy hair journey. Here are just 4 benefits:

Effective Deep Conditioning: When steam is applied to the hair shaft it raises the cuticles allowing the conditioning treatment to absorb down into the cortex of the hair.

Detangling is Decreased:  Steam hydrates the hair so there will be less tangles and knots! Resulting in manageable, supple hair, this can also allow you to use less products!! (in the end saving you $$)

Hair Growth: The warm vapors increase blood flow to the scalp. Blood flow to the scalp can stimulate hair growth!!

Strengthening:  Adding water/steam to the hair you are adding moisture. A proper balance of moisture to the hair will combat dry,brittle hair.  Adding the proper amount of moisture to the hair can also improve the elasticity of the hair strand which will also result in less shrinkage!

How to steam your hair at home?
There are many steamers on the market today. Some resemble hooded dryers  and others are hand-held.

You can still steam your hair at home if you do not own a steamer. It's quite simple!!
All you need is :

2 face towels
2 shower caps
1 hooded dryer

First apply deep conditioner to wet hair.
Now wet both face towels and shower caps with warm water
(not drenching wet).
Place one face towel on your head.
Then place one shower cap on your head.
Next apply the other face towel on top of the shower cap.
Then place the last shower cap on top of the face towel.
Finally sit under the hooded dryer for 25-30 minutes.
Do not exceed 30 minutes!!

By adding Hair Steaming to your hair regimen you will see a difference in moisture retention in your hair. So try it I know you will love it!!!

Have a blessed day!

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