Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Life Of.........

For some of you that don't know YES!!! I am a  S.A.H.M.Stay At Home Mom!!

Before becoming a Domestic Goddess/LOL!!! I was a single Mom and a hairstylist, owner of my very own mobile salon. Then I met my husband, got married and almost immediately got pregnant! LOL!!
 During my pregnancy I discovered that I had 4 fibroid tumors along with a growing baby which my doctor immediately put me on complete bed rest which in turn got me a front seat on the "High Risk Pregnancy List". So that meant no hair styling, no makeup applying for me. My husband at that time was an owner of a auto repair shop and became the only bread winner in the household. He was excited about the pregnancy, me being home relaxing and trying to keep our bundle of joy inside the oven as long as possible!
After my son was born I continued to stay home. Was it hard? YES!!! Because I was used to being very independent. Coming from being a single mom I developed the attitude of "If I don't make it happen it's not going to happen!!" But after a few years(3 to be exact) I came to grips with it and now would not change it for the world.
I realize the joy I get from watching my children grow up is priceless and it creates a bond that is unbelievable.
Although I loved being a hairstylist,and a makeup artist nothing tops the best job of being a MOM!!!
My husband has always been admitt about it and loves it and is willing to do anything to make sure we can continue this lifestyle.
The reason for this post is because I feel I am not giving you all that I have to offer. I'm not running around styling hair and applying makeup to clients on a daily basis anymore. I am dropping off and picking up kids from school, being a wife, going to dance practices and recitals, cooking, cleaning, helping with homework,  volunteering at  my son's school , going to PTO meetings, doing DIY projects and running a home business!!!
Blessings and Beauty will show you all of that and then some. The Life of a "Stay At Home Mom" to a school age kid as well as a college student.
It's sometimes crazy and  chaotic but its MY LIFE and I LOVE IT!!

Have a blessed day!!!

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