Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Lose Weight and Grow your Hair!!

Having a healthy diet  and  exercising can do wonders for your body. Not only will it get rid of a few pounds but did you know it can also grow your hair longer and faster?!!

Here are 3 food that will promote healthy long hair:

Salmon is a nutrient-dense food packed with protein. Protein can help you lose weight by making you feel full longer. The fish oil you receive from Salmon along with a little exercise can reduce body fat. But I guess you're saying now well how will that make my hair grow Vanessa? Well let me tell you  the Vitamin D and Protein that is in this wonderful fish will help you to have a healthy scalp so your beautiful hair can start growing. You need a healthy scalp to produce healthy hair!

Egg Yolk
Eggs contain essential amino acids and are loaded with protein that has been know to boost your metabolism through a process called "Thermic Effect of Food". Thermic Effect of Food is the energy the body uses just to metabolize your food. Eggs are a great source of Omega 3 vitamins. Now this leads me to explain how egg yolks will assist in your  healthy long hair journey. Some of us have been know to do a protein treatment on our hair using raw eggs. Yes this is effective but if you just cook and eat  the eggs the results are far more beneficial.  Egg yolk contains Vitamin B7, and Biotin. Yes Biotin everyone wants to take a Biotin supplement when all you have to do is just eat the correct foods.Notice I say Egg Yolk be careful to much egg whites can actually block the absorption of the much needed Biotin. So eating a fried or poached egg can give you 25 micrograms of  Biotin when only 30 micrograms of Biotin is needed.

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato:
Sweet Potato is loaded with dietary fiber. Fiber absorb water making you feel full.  It also regulates your blood sugar. Regulated blood sugar reduces sugary cravings which in turn helps you control your appetite. Sweet Potato are full of beta carotene which gives it that orange color. When it is digested it is converted into Vitamin A or Retinol. Vitamin A promotes hair growth, prevents lifeless dull hair and dry scalp. So just pop a Sweet Potato in the oven and let it bake then add a little cinnamon to it and enjoy.

Sometimes we look for that golden hair product that is going to give us long luxurious hair when a lot of times  that golden product is food that is at our super market, farmers market or in our refrigerator. Having a healthy diet will not only help you to drop a couple of pounds but help you on your journey to healthy hair and Ultimately a Healthy Life.

Have a blessed day!

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