Monday, October 16, 2017

4 Top Fitness Apps for Beginners

 On my fitness journey there have been many ups and downs, and I'm not just talking about the number on the scale. I started with no idea on how I was going to to combat this battle of the bulge and get to a healthy weight and a healthy state of mind, but along the way I have tried out many fitness apps, some I thought that was very helpful and others I was like YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I'M NOT AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE!!! LOL!!!

The first thing I believe that must be taking seriously is your diet. You can workout to you blue in the face but if you are feeding your body junk your not going to see the results. Then I believe you have to get moving. As I explained in past post Find your Fit! Do activities that interest you. If you take a kickboxing class and hate it you will not be consistent with it.

1. MyFitnessPal: I know a lot of people do not like to track their food but I feel in order to fix a problem you first need to know what it is! You may be eating too much or even not eating enough which is stopping you from achieving your goal.  With this app you can find out how much your nutrition you are putting in your body. It can track not only calories but macros also just give it a try you will probably be real surprised how much you are eating or not eating. And oh did I mention its FREE what do you have to lose!!!!

2. Pacer: Now I believe and know for a fact that  everyone just cant jump off the couch and start running down the track like they are competing in the Olympics. Sometimes you have to just put one foot in front of the other. And this is when this App comes in to play. This app will track your steps during the day. You can set daily goals for yourself  like 10,000 steps a day or more also there are other  goals  that you can set  like did you "eat enough veggies today",  or "have you drank enough water today". Its the little things that goes a long way and will take you closer to fitness goals.
Walking is great exercise that should not be forgotten about. This app also can sync with MyFitnessPal and which makes it less work for you and let you  examine  how much am I moving in contrast with how much I'm eating. Oh yeah also did I mention its also FREE!!!

3. Sworkit: Now with Sworkit this is a great app if you have no clue on what exercise to do or how to do them, this app will do that for you. It has 4 categories: Strength, Cardio,Yoga, Stretching
You can do workouts from all categories. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise there is someone on the screen showing how it is done and keeping track of the workouts you have done. Also this can sync with MyFitnessPal again making it less work for you. And again its FREE!!!

4. Seconds Interval Timer: Now anyone who knows me know I love HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training). This timer is great for that. you can put in how long you want each active stage to be and how long you want each rest stage needs to be and get to it!!!  It's not only for HIIT but can be for Circuit Training, Tabata, Round Timer, Compound or Custom design it yourself. And once again its FREE!!!! You have nothing to lose but unwanted fat!! LOL

This list I believe that will get you well on your way towards your health and fitness goals. The only thing that's stopping you is YOU!!!
You can do it!
I believe in you and already can see you crushing those fitness goals!!!

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