Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Combating Soreness!!!

Working out can be rewarding , but the next morning can be a killer as soon as the alarm clock sounds and you try to move those powerful legs you did all those squats with!! OUCH!!!
 This alone can make many not want to hit the gym ever again , do not let a little soreness block you from achieving your fitness goals!!!
Here are a few tips I do to ease the soreness and get me back on the road to recovery.

1. Warm up- First things first!!!! Never begin any kind of activity without a proper warm up routine!!!  Warming up the muscles and preparing the body for the task at hand is very important it  can decrease injury as well as muscle soreness and fatigue. A simple warm-up can be done in about 5-10 minutes.

2. Protein - Nutrition is KEY!!!! Getting enough protein in your diet is very important. The body needs sufficient amount of amino acids , which are the building blocks of protein. Studies show that individuals getting enough protein before and after a workout  help ease muscle soreness. 

3. Anti - Inflammatory foods - Once again NUTRITION IS KEY!!!! Foods that have anti-flammatory properties are : broccoli, green tea, salmon, blueberries, pineapple, nuts,  tomato, spinach, cauliflour, avacodo, and dark chocolate(yeah, but in moderation of course/ LOL). and the list goes on and on.

4.Epsom Salt baths - When it is applied while running a warm bath   it breaks down into magnesium and sulfate; these properties are absorbed through the skin can  relax muscles, looses stiffen joints,and removes toxins and inflammation from the body. And you don't have to worry about breaking the bank with this epsom salt is very cheap and sometimes can be purchased for as little as a dollar!!! If you need alittle scent to your bath lavendar scented epsom salt is also available.
Nothing comes between me and my Epsom Salt bath at the end of the evening!! lol

5. REST - Yes  rest!!! It may seem like a no brainer but you will be surprise how less we all sleep.
As you rest the body has time to repair it self. There is nothing wrong with rest days or taking a day off between high intensity workout outs. Believe me your body will thank you for it!

So before you give up on your fitness goals of becoming that fitchick I know that's inside of you, try these tips!!

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