Friday, October 27, 2017

My Favorite Fall Meal

As the temperature gets cooler there are certain meals that have become a staple in my diet. Even though I live in the Sunshine State (Florida) and our fall temperature may stay around 70 degrees I still have my fall favorites.  One of my favorite meals is Taco Soup!!  Taco soup is one of those meals   I make on Friday to eat over the weekend. This meal is not only delicious , easy to make but also  healthy as well.  You can make this in the crockpot or on the stovetop.

1- 15oz can Chili Beans
1- 15oz can Pinto Beans
1- 15oz can Corn
1- 15oz can Diced Tomatoes
1- 10oz can Diced Tomatoes and Green Chiles
1- 1oz package Taco Seasoning
1- 1oz package Ranch salad dressing Mix
1lb Ground Turkey (or Ground Beef)
1cup of diced Onions, Green and Red Bell peppers

In skillet brown ground turkey(or beef)
Drain fat(if there is any)
Add diced onions & peppers to skillet and taco seasoning
 Empty all canned beans and tomatoes in crockpot
Then add Ranch salad dressing mix
Add meat mixture
Let simmer!
You are done!!!
It’s just that simply but Absolutely Delicious !!
This can been served alone or you can get creative and serve with Taco Shells with a little shredded cheese!! Yum!!!!
Serves 3-6 people

ground turkey onions peppers with taco seasoning

all beans and tomatoes in crockpot

Monday, October 16, 2017

4 Top Fitness Apps for Beginners

 On my fitness journey there have been many ups and downs, and I'm not just talking about the number on the scale. I started with no idea on how I was going to to combat this battle of the bulge and get to a healthy weight and a healthy state of mind, but along the way I have tried out many fitness apps, some I thought that was very helpful and others I was like YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I'M NOT AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE!!! LOL!!!

The first thing I believe that must be taking seriously is your diet. You can workout to you blue in the face but if you are feeding your body junk your not going to see the results. Then I believe you have to get moving. As I explained in past post Find your Fit! Do activities that interest you. If you take a kickboxing class and hate it you will not be consistent with it.

1. MyFitnessPal: I know a lot of people do not like to track their food but I feel in order to fix a problem you first need to know what it is! You may be eating too much or even not eating enough which is stopping you from achieving your goal.  With this app you can find out how much your nutrition you are putting in your body. It can track not only calories but macros also just give it a try you will probably be real surprised how much you are eating or not eating. And oh did I mention its FREE what do you have to lose!!!!

2. Pacer: Now I believe and know for a fact that  everyone just cant jump off the couch and start running down the track like they are competing in the Olympics. Sometimes you have to just put one foot in front of the other. And this is when this App comes in to play. This app will track your steps during the day. You can set daily goals for yourself  like 10,000 steps a day or more also there are other  goals  that you can set  like did you "eat enough veggies today",  or "have you drank enough water today". Its the little things that goes a long way and will take you closer to fitness goals.
Walking is great exercise that should not be forgotten about. This app also can sync with MyFitnessPal and which makes it less work for you and let you  examine  how much am I moving in contrast with how much I'm eating. Oh yeah also did I mention its also FREE!!!

3. Sworkit: Now with Sworkit this is a great app if you have no clue on what exercise to do or how to do them, this app will do that for you. It has 4 categories: Strength, Cardio,Yoga, Stretching
You can do workouts from all categories. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise there is someone on the screen showing how it is done and keeping track of the workouts you have done. Also this can sync with MyFitnessPal again making it less work for you. And again its FREE!!!

4. Seconds Interval Timer: Now anyone who knows me know I love HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training). This timer is great for that. you can put in how long you want each active stage to be and how long you want each rest stage needs to be and get to it!!!  It's not only for HIIT but can be for Circuit Training, Tabata, Round Timer, Compound or Custom design it yourself. And once again its FREE!!!! You have nothing to lose but unwanted fat!! LOL

This list I believe that will get you well on your way towards your health and fitness goals. The only thing that's stopping you is YOU!!!
You can do it!
I believe in you and already can see you crushing those fitness goals!!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Combating Soreness!!!

Working out can be rewarding , but the next morning can be a killer as soon as the alarm clock sounds and you try to move those powerful legs you did all those squats with!! OUCH!!!
 This alone can make many not want to hit the gym ever again , do not let a little soreness block you from achieving your fitness goals!!!
Here are a few tips I do to ease the soreness and get me back on the road to recovery.

1. Warm up- First things first!!!! Never begin any kind of activity without a proper warm up routine!!!  Warming up the muscles and preparing the body for the task at hand is very important it  can decrease injury as well as muscle soreness and fatigue. A simple warm-up can be done in about 5-10 minutes.

2. Protein - Nutrition is KEY!!!! Getting enough protein in your diet is very important. The body needs sufficient amount of amino acids , which are the building blocks of protein. Studies show that individuals getting enough protein before and after a workout  help ease muscle soreness. 

3. Anti - Inflammatory foods - Once again NUTRITION IS KEY!!!! Foods that have anti-flammatory properties are : broccoli, green tea, salmon, blueberries, pineapple, nuts,  tomato, spinach, cauliflour, avacodo, and dark chocolate(yeah, but in moderation of course/ LOL). and the list goes on and on.

4.Epsom Salt baths - When it is applied while running a warm bath   it breaks down into magnesium and sulfate; these properties are absorbed through the skin can  relax muscles, looses stiffen joints,and removes toxins and inflammation from the body. And you don't have to worry about breaking the bank with this epsom salt is very cheap and sometimes can be purchased for as little as a dollar!!! If you need alittle scent to your bath lavendar scented epsom salt is also available.
Nothing comes between me and my Epsom Salt bath at the end of the evening!! lol

5. REST - Yes  rest!!! It may seem like a no brainer but you will be surprise how less we all sleep.
As you rest the body has time to repair it self. There is nothing wrong with rest days or taking a day off between high intensity workout outs. Believe me your body will thank you for it!

So before you give up on your fitness goals of becoming that fitchick I know that's inside of you, try these tips!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Weight loss after a Hysterectomy

Losing weight can be a daunting  task but trying to lose wight after a Hysterectomy  can seem impossible. I got a hysterectomy  at the ripe age of 32, after having 5 fibroid while pregnant  with my beautiful  son.  One   fibroid was blocking the birth canal and the others started to squeeze  my baby   resulting  in me receiving  a emergency  C-section and Hysterectomy.
So I woke up from surgery to a beautiful bundle of joy and a new body that I wasn't prepared for. The baby I was well prepared for the hormonal imbalance is a different story! 
But to go into that story just check out my previous post of my weight loss journey.
After many years of trail and error, talking to health care professionals, and researching on my own I finally found something that worked!!! Yeahhhhh!!!!

Here are just 4 tips that helped me get started.

1. Ditch the Process foods!!:
    Eat REAL Food!!!! Consume foods with high quality proteins, beneficial fats and complex carbohydrates. Carbs are not the devil!!!!
These should become staples in your daily diet.

2. WATER!!!!:
     Water is vital to the body! The human body is 75% water.  Drinking water flushes toxins out the body, gives energy, boosts metabolism and increases the production of new blood cells.

3. Sleep!!: Sleep is always overlooked. This is the time the body is recovering from all the stress you     put on it during the day. The body is using this time to balance our imbalanced hormones.

4. GET MOVING!!: Don't just stand there our bodies were designed to move! 
    Start with just light activities like walking, bike riding or swimming. 
Check out my previous post " Find your Own Fit" to get  an idea of how your workout can come in many shapes and forms.

Just starting on these few but important tips you will see and feel a change!


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Find your Own FIT ! !

With social media  you see so many "Fitness Gurus" doing some crazy and amazing workouts and you may say I want to be
"FIT " like her or him.
I know everyone  is always saying you got to exercise, you need to "workout","  live a fit life ." And usually the first thing that pops into someone mind is to go get a gym membership which some may go consistently  for about 2 months and then it just becomes an extra monthly  bill (that you did not need😕). 
That's  when it's time to FIND YOUR OWN FIT!!!
Do what makes you excited  it could be taking a brisk walk in your neighborhood , jogging , dancing around the house. Exercise  can be so many things. You can buy a $2.00 jump rope and jump outside, take a ride on your bike. Your "workout" don't have to be the same everyday or every week. For example  I love  lifting weights and doing  calenstics  like sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups  etc. ,but I also have a very active  9 year old who loves to rollerskate and go on bike rides. So one day I may do a hiit (High Intensity  Interval  Training)  type of training  but the next day I'm jumping on the trampoline with my son then going for a swim later in the evening.
If you love to dance then BUST A MOVE!! Or sign up for a dance class, or try a zumba class. The only way you are going to stay  motivated is by doing something you enjoy.
You are probably  saying ,"Vanessa how do I find my Fit?" Try different  things it can be as simple as going to the park and playing basketball , no one said you had to be NBA ready to get on the court and practice  your jumpshot but believe me your body will be moving and you will become  closer to finding your FIT !!
Do let anyone  put you in a box , think outside the box!! Your body will thank you  for it ! !
So go out there and discover  your FIT!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

I found the World's Best Diet Pill !!

I found the World's  Best  Diet  Pill  it's called "Proper  Nutrition" Lol !
There is NO  Diet Pill   that will replace a  Proper  Nutritional  diet and Exercise!! I know as much as we wish we can swallow a pill while downing 3 slices of pizza with a side of fries and wash it down with a ice cold soda and still look amazing  in a bikini ,  it's not going to happen. Sorry 😢😢
But what can start you on your journey to that amazing  bikini is good nutrition. I'm not saying I'm against  supplements but I know (because I was once a habitual  user) diet pills don't work if your diet and training  are not on point! You first must build a healthy  relationship  with  food. Find out what your body needs before buying supplements. My  advice  is before you buy any supplement  ask your self these questions :


Supplements are just that "Supplement"  it is meant to be an addition to your healthy diet not a REPLACEMENT!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Moisturizing and Sealing Oils, Are they the same?

If you are on a healthy hair journey then I know you have either practiced moisturizing  or was told to "Seal in the moisture to your hair!" , OR "Moisturize your hair!"  Usually the first thing someone does is grab the first oil they see and apply it to the hair, that can be the your first and biggest mistake. All oils are not created equal. There are some oils that will not seal in any moisture and some oils that should not be used to moisturize the hair.
 Below I will describe what is the difference between a Moisturizing Oil  vs  Sealing Oil .

Moisturizing Oil:
Penetrates the Hair Shaft
Nourishes the Scalp
Best when used with Water or Water based products
**Water is the Best moisturizer Ever!!!**

Coconut Oil   decreases protein loss resulting in prevention of breakage and damage
Olive Oil   nourishes the scalp,reaches the cortex of the hair improving strength & elasticity
Avocado Oil  restores scalp health and closely resemble our nature sebum
Jojoba Oil helps hair cells reproduce faster
Sunflower Oil  high amounts of Vitamin E & Omega 9 that helps stop breakage and stimulate growth
**Sunflower oil can also be used to  seal as well because it is a non-polar solvent meaning that it prevents water loss**

Sealing Oil:
Do Not penetrate the Hair Shaft
Adds Shine to hair
Seals in Moisture
Sits on top of hair shaft

Shea Oil liquid form of shea butter traps in moisture due to allantoin.
Grapeseed Oil smoothes cuticles and prevents frizz
Castor Oil contains Omega 6 producing shine and reducing split ends
Almond Oil contains Vitamins A,B,E and Omega 9,6,3 promotes strong hair and seals in                                    moisture longer.

Allantoin- helps keratin cells hold on to water molecules.

So as you can see Moisturizing Oils and Sealing Oils are very important and all present different benefits. So the next time you need to moisturize or seal your hair grab the oil that best suits your needs.
Have a blessed day!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

My On-Going Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss journey...... yeah yeah yeah I know you heard it before but when you are 5'0 and you stand on the scale and it reads 237 lbs.   YESSSSS......... TWO-HUNDRED-THIRTY-SEVEN !!!!!!

You either start to cry or just get angry, well I did a little bit of both. I cried because I was like" I'm officially MORBID OBESE"(bmi was 46.3 which yes puts me at morbid obese) and then I became angry because I was like Vanessa how did you let this happen!!!!!  At the end of 2015 like everyone else I made a new years resolution(something I never used to do) and one of them ,yes I had a long list of resolutions was to Lose Weight . Like so many millions of people I was going to conqueror the battle of the bulge So I at the beginning of 2016 I made a promise to myself to start living my life and find what makes me happy. I told myself " Vanessa, if there is something you don't like about yourself Change It! If there is something you are wondering about Research it! Just Find what makes you YOU!" So  the first thing I wanted to tackle was my weight. I was always saying I need to lose weight now its not that I wasn't trying it just wasn't working out. I wanted to learn how does the body lose fat.  So I began to research how does the body works, what do the body need. I also had to   come to the realization that my body is not like the average 42 year old woman. I had a hysterectomy  9 1/2 years ago which  changed my body forever. When I was pregant with my son  I had a c-section and had to have  emergency hysterectomy done at the same time. I did not know how this  NEW body was going to work. The things I used to do pre- hysterectomy to lose weight or to keep my weight under control was not working. I felt like I had no one to go to or talk to about it. Doctors were really no help they really just was a little shocked at how young I was to have had a  hysterectomy and not to have been given any hormone medication, they wanted me to take pills. And for anyone who knows me knows I do not swallow pills whole and hate taking medication! So I went from being in my early thirties straight into MENOPAUSE  in a blink of an eye! WOW!!!  I know just to say it is mind-blowing, LOL!! So I knew that the hysterectomy had to have a lot to do with my weight gain but what am I to do? And yes I have lost a couple of pounds with different weight loss programs but they where not substainable and really didn't teach me on how to become healthy. Because with some of the weight loss programs you can eat junk and lose weight when all your doing is counting points or eliminating a whole particular food group. Anyway I digress/LOL! So I was looking for something that I was going to be able to maintain, something that will be like second nature to me. I know it  will be hard but there has to be something to this.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Lose Weight and Grow your Hair!!

Having a healthy diet  and  exercising can do wonders for your body. Not only will it get rid of a few pounds but did you know it can also grow your hair longer and faster?!!

Here are 3 food that will promote healthy long hair:

Salmon is a nutrient-dense food packed with protein. Protein can help you lose weight by making you feel full longer. The fish oil you receive from Salmon along with a little exercise can reduce body fat. But I guess you're saying now well how will that make my hair grow Vanessa? Well let me tell you  the Vitamin D and Protein that is in this wonderful fish will help you to have a healthy scalp so your beautiful hair can start growing. You need a healthy scalp to produce healthy hair!

Egg Yolk
Eggs contain essential amino acids and are loaded with protein that has been know to boost your metabolism through a process called "Thermic Effect of Food". Thermic Effect of Food is the energy the body uses just to metabolize your food. Eggs are a great source of Omega 3 vitamins. Now this leads me to explain how egg yolks will assist in your  healthy long hair journey. Some of us have been know to do a protein treatment on our hair using raw eggs. Yes this is effective but if you just cook and eat  the eggs the results are far more beneficial.  Egg yolk contains Vitamin B7, and Biotin. Yes Biotin everyone wants to take a Biotin supplement when all you have to do is just eat the correct foods.Notice I say Egg Yolk be careful to much egg whites can actually block the absorption of the much needed Biotin. So eating a fried or poached egg can give you 25 micrograms of  Biotin when only 30 micrograms of Biotin is needed.

Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato:
Sweet Potato is loaded with dietary fiber. Fiber absorb water making you feel full.  It also regulates your blood sugar. Regulated blood sugar reduces sugary cravings which in turn helps you control your appetite. Sweet Potato are full of beta carotene which gives it that orange color. When it is digested it is converted into Vitamin A or Retinol. Vitamin A promotes hair growth, prevents lifeless dull hair and dry scalp. So just pop a Sweet Potato in the oven and let it bake then add a little cinnamon to it and enjoy.

Sometimes we look for that golden hair product that is going to give us long luxurious hair when a lot of times  that golden product is food that is at our super market, farmers market or in our refrigerator. Having a healthy diet will not only help you to drop a couple of pounds but help you on your journey to healthy hair and Ultimately a Healthy Life.

Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Can you Eat your way to Healthy Hair??

The saying" You are what you eat!" I am finding to be so true. As I'm on this journey to living a

healthy lifestyle I have noticed many changes. These changes are not only in the composition of my

body but my nails, skin and hair.

Eating a healthy well balanced diet has done things for my hair that no hair product could've ever

done. Product build up has become a thing of the past because  I find my self using less product

simply because my hair does not require it.  The more colorful my plate became the better my hair

looked and felt.  My hair appeared thicker and felt stronger.

Detangling time was reduced tremendously. My hair retained moisture and my scalp has become less


Below is a just a few examples of the different vitamins and nutrients that  promotes healthy hair.

Eating healthier has simply changed my life inside and out.
So DIG IN !!!!!
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hair Care after Workouts

Do your hair care regimen stand between you and your workouts? Is it true you would workout if it wasn't a hassle to take care of your hair after sweating it out in the gym. Well I have a few tips that will help ease your frustration and pain.

If you are part of Team Natural then there are so many beautiful styles that can be worn before,during and after you slay your workout. Bantu Knots and Pin Twist are absolutely beautiful to rock. I know some will say but I don't like the sweat on my scalp, well here is a scalp refresher I learned from GG Natural of YouTube.

Natural Scalp Refresher
2 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil
4 drops  Tea Tree Oil
2-3 drops Peppermint Oil
Mix into a  bottle and apply to your scalp this will leave your scalp feeling fresh and smelling refreshed.
Also you can use a clarifying shampoo at least once a week to remove any buildup product and cleanse the scalp.

If you are Team Relaxed and you are using a headband or sweatband like I mentioned in the previous post wait until your edges are fully dry before your remove the headband.
Here is a little refresher for you also. Spray Shea Moisture Coconut Hibiscus Hold Shine Moisture Mist to moisturize and your hair then Seal with your favorite oil.

Team Weave I have not forgotten about you!!! You can use the Natural  Scalp Refresher treatment to freshen up your beautiful hair as well. Also you can use Carol's Daughter Black Vanilla Moisturizing Leave-In Conditioner. This will refresh your hair leaving a pleasant vanilla scent.

So now there is no excuse to not work on your body while on your healthy hair journey. Let's get healthy from the inside out.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Haircare vs Exercise

Do you sacrifice your Health for your HAIR??!!!

As much as I care about my hair I do not let it be a reason for me not to care more for my body!
 I workout 5 days a week and the last thing that is on my mind when I am busting out my last rep is my hair.   As a African American woman I notice that sometimes I am the only or one of the very few black females getting it in.  I tend to do majority of my workouts outdoors just because I love the view. I see all other races and ethnicity out there" working on their fitness" except us!!!! I know its not because we can't do it, or that we don't have the time, I know for many of us its the hang up over our hair!!!
Before you jump down my throat I have asked many black women why don't you exercise, and one of the reasons I kept getting was " Girl I don't want to sweat out  my hair!" And the response in my head was if you don't have a healthy body your hair (which grows from the inside out) can't be but so healthy!!!
As a community we are plagued  with so many diseases and health issues that eating a healthier diet and exercise will lower our chances on contracting those issues.
So if your hair is what's standing between You and Healthier life than I believe it's a conversation worth having!
There are so many ways you can still strive for a better healthier you and keep your hair popping!!!
Whether you are on Team Natural or Team Relaxed or Team Weave you can have beautiful hair and a healthier body!!!
There are sweat head bands such as the Gym Wrap  created  by the lovely Nicole Ari Parker at . that will help keep our beautiful styles popping and fabulous.

Here are some Tips to care for your hair Pre & During Workout:

Team Natural : Beautiful Bantu Knots can be done before workout and after workouts. After workouts remove Bantu Knots for a beautiful wavy style. Pin Twist are another protective style that looks absolutely fabulous during and after workouts.

Team Relaxed: If you have long hair you can put it in a top ponytail with a bun and apply a silk scarf or a Gym wrap or Dri sweat head band to soak up the sweat. But if your hair is short and not long enough for a ponytail then Dri Sweat headband can still be worn to keep that style in check!,default,pd.html

Team Weave: A Satin Lined Cap can be worn. Do not use a cotton bandana because the friction of the material will lead to breakage  so use satin or silk to preserve those edges.

Don't let your HAIR determine how you LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!

Stay tuned for Post Workout Tips.....

Have blessed day!

Cocoa Butter for your hair??!!!!!

I know we all know about cocoa butter for your stretch marks,chapped lips and for aging skin, but have you ever tried cocoa butter for your hair?!!! Well if you haven't then you must try it.
But before you began lets talk about where did cocoa butter come from.  Cocoa butter comes from cocoa beans which  are a native to the parts of South and Central America.  Cocoa beans are a high antioxidant containing a significant amount of polyphenol and flavanoid antioxidants.  Some of the antioxidants remain in the cocoa butter after it has been separated from the beans solid.  Cocoa butter is a healthy fat mostly saturated fat just like its counter partner coconut oil. It is very moisturizing and has been linked to a decrease in dandruff and healthier hair follicles.  Cocoa butter also has been known to prevent the onset of male pattern baldness.

So your still not sure what to do with it??? Well here are several ways to use cocoa butter for your hair; just by melting a little in the microwave and applying it to your hair prior to shampooing for about 20 minutes BAMB!!!! you just got yourself a Pre-Poo!!
Next if you are trying to combat frizz, apply a little to the palms of your hands and smooth onto your hair.  And just like that FRIZZ BE GONE!!!!
Cocoa butter can also be rubbed onto the scalp.  This will make your scalp have a healthy oil production that will leave your hair stronger, beautiful sheen and thicker.  It can also reduce dead and split ends.
But my absolute favorite way to use Cocoa Butter on my hair is as a Leave-In Conditioner. That's right a Leave-In Conditioner.

Here is all you need:
                                       Cocoa Butter Leave-In Conditioner
  **depending on the length of hair you may need to double ingredients, I'm still rocking my TWA **
1/2 cup  of Cocoa Butter
2 tbsp of Coconut Oil
1 1/2 tsp  of Vitamin E Oil
A couple of drops of Vanilla essential oil

  • Combine all ingredients except Vanilla essential oil  in a small saucepan
  • Melt over low heat stirring constantly
  • Once melted remove from heat pour into air tight container
  • Add the Vanilla essential oil
  • Place in freezer for about 10-15 minutes
  • Remove mixture and let soften(mimicking the consistency of butter)
  • Apply to clean hair
  •  Dry hair as normal

Trying these tips cocoa butter may become a permanent staple in your healthy hair regimen.

Have a blessed day!